Lubbock storytelling is what we are about at Stellar Media. Donny Lawler's story is the latest one we have gotten to tell. He has been in the family woodworking business most of his life. He’s an extremely talented craftsman. He even created his own CNC for carving signs and cabinetry. CNC stands for computer numerical control, but in layman’s terms, it’s a fancy computerized 3-D woodcutting tool. Danny used it in the construction of a sign for the Stellar Media office. He's so dedicated to fine details and perfecting his products that he scratched the first few as signs. That is, because they didn’t measure up to his standards. It was fascinating to watch him work while we filmed.
Stellar Media excels in Lubbock storytelling. Pieces like this are our bread and butter! Reach out to us today and let's chat about your story.
The smell of wood smells good to me when it's, you know, fresh wood, it's it's a pretty neat deal. And I always liked my building stuff. Lawler's woodcraft started with my granddad's brother was their dad was the builder, Norah O'Donnell.
So my granddad, my uncles, my dad, I just nearly had to learn how to do something, you know, because everybody in the family family's been a builder of some type or another. I started when I was a kid, I guess probably less than five years old now, so that's what, twenty six years I've been in business for myself, something like that, 26 or 27. It's a challenge when you try something new. Building our own equipment, to an extent, it's kind of been a way of life. You know, a lot of talk about it's more fun to build equipment than it is to build the cabinets afterwards.
That's the fun part.
I thought I was going to build a sense and, you know, for turning out part of the cabinet parts just to see, you know, how well it worked and all this. I'd never seen one run. I'd never seen one in person. I Googled it on online and it started studying it and studied and, you know, looked at a lot of different designs.
And this that and the other. And then I built one. It's fulfilling to build a machine. But when you build something and it works right, then you come out the other side and if you are a finished product, this art, not just something from the other side so hard that you used what you built to build it. That's really makes it a whole lot more fulfilling than it would be to build a machine and just build cabinets, because then it would just be work, you know, wouldn't be no play, you know, no fun to an extent.
First guitar. It was pretty thick as far as the wood, imagine with the tape, I didn't know how they were measured, you know, down to a thousandth of an inch, you know? Yes, that's about eight of an inch, you know, something like that.
It didn't sound really good and it wasn't a great guitar, but it was definitely the first one that I don't even have it no more, sometimes I wish I did. And a lot of times I think, as bad as that was I don't think I want to keep it.
I believe God gave me the talents that I have. If I gave a tithe on my talents, 10 percent of what I do ought to be given back. That's where I believe most of the true blessing as far as the talent goes.
If you don't use it, you lose it. I mean, that's kind of biblical too really. The thrill to be able to go out and do what you really love to do every day is hard to sit down 14, 15 hours if you want to still get a little bit more done to that, you know.
I never got rich off of it, probably won't ever get rich off of no matter, you know, as far as early riches. There's a certain satisfaction. At the end, when you've done a job, when you've done a job right.