We produced another inspirational and all around amazing video for the South Plains Food Bank because that’s what we do. This heartwarming testimonial includes interviews with individuals who have been blessed by the food bank’s programs. The first highlights the Mobile Pantry, which provides food in rural communities.
A Post woman recounts the financial hardship her family suffered due to a cancer diagnosis. Chemotherapy left Renee Clary unable to continue working as a nurse. This resulting loss of income made buying groceries difficult. SPFB was able to stand in the gap for the Clarys in their time of need.
Another area of impact the food bank has is in our local schools. When low-income students are focused on the hunger in their bellies they can’t perform to their highest potential. By meeting this basic physical need within the school setting, the SPFB frees these students to flourish. Both in their academic and extra curricular endeavors.
The food bank’s GRUB program stands for Growing Recruits for Urban Business. It does so much more than employ young people. The program even goes beyond teaching them about nutrition and how to grow crops. This gives them confidence and the tools to enter the workforce and lead productive lives after high school.
Watch the video to hear Daisha describe how she overcame the odds. She surpassed her own expectations for herself with the help of life-changing mentorship she received through GRUB.