Texas Boys Ranch Promo Video

August 5, 2019  |  stellarmediaco

Stellar Media produced this promo video, which aired in the live Texas Boys Ranch telethon. The goal was to emphasize the work of the Ranch at fundraising events throughout the year. Texas Boys Ranch provides safety, nurture, and support for children. Additionally, they welcome the support of the community in continuing to meet these critical needs.

About the Ranch

There is a tremendous need for foster families in our area. There are approximately 1,900 children in foster care on the South Plains at this time. As many as 30% of the children become removed from their homes by CPS. Then, the agency must send them to other areas of the state because of the shortage of placement options locally. This is a sobering statistic that underscores the importance of the Ranch and their passion for caring for those children.

Many of their programs include counseling, emergency shelter, and foster homes. Importantly, with all focused on providing trauma-informed care in a Christ-centered environment.

We believe this Texas Boys Ranch promo will serve the mission and vision of the Ranch well.

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