Texas Boys Ranch Lubbock Video Production

August 25, 2017  |  stellarmediaco

Stellar Media has been a long time partner with Texas Boys Ranch of Lubbock. They provide a vital ministry to foster children on the South Plains. They've entrusted us with their story because we thoroughly research their programs and create motivating content. They can then use this to educate, fund raise, and encourage others to become involved with their programs.

Texas Boys Ranch Lubbock - "I Am Loved"

We recently produced a video demonstrating the process through a child’s eyes of arriving at the Ranch. They come from CPS scared, confused, and very mistrusting of adults. The caring staff at the Ranch build bonds with new arrivals and restores their confidence. These relationships have a lifelong impact on a foster child’s self worth. The Ranch makes it their mission to help each child feel safe and loved.

Equine Therapy

In another video, we featured the Equine Therapy Program at Texas Boys Ranch of Lubbock. We followed the Ranch foreman, Brady, from the range to the barn where he combines his passions for horses and for helping abused and neglected children. We filmed video of Brady calling the horses in from the pasture. Then, we documented actual therapy sessions while preserving the confidentiality of the clients. He and other staff members build self-esteem, confidence, and communication in the children through riding and caring for the horses. The bonds kids build with the animals allow them to work through many of the pent up feelings they've carried. These feelings originate from their abuse and neglect.

Foster & Adoptive Family Stories

A third video for Texas Boys Ranch documents actual foster and adoptive parents. It shows them telling heart-warming and funny stories about their experiences. It shows how average families provide loving environments for children from previously harmful situations and do life together. Kids are silly, life is messy, and it’s no different for families that the Ranch brings together.

Behind the Scenes
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