Everyone’s a critic on social media, but with a booming tourism industry, Lubbockites are too busy to worry about the haters. So the Visit Lubbock tourism and marketing department teamed up with Stellar Media to spotlight some of Lubbock’s Twitter “fans.” This fun video also offers some educational information. For instance, you’ve probably gone your whole life believing frogs say “Ribbit,” right? In that case, you need to watch this video and get the real amphibian scoop!
Visit Lubbock tourism knew a promotional video could help their efforts. Have you thought about how one could help your organizational efforts? Hit us up today and let's get started crafting your next promotional video.
There's nothing we love more than hearing from our followers on social media. So for National Travel and Tourism Week, we've decided to showcase comments from a few of Lubbock's biggest fans. You'd have to drink to stay in Lubbock.
Good thing we have five award winning wineries. I actually really taste good. Who lied to these poor people? There's nothing worth seeing unless it's to see family. It's very overrated. I was born and raised in Lubbock.
Never thought of it as much of a vacation spot. There's nothing there but Tech and dirt. Not Lubbock. No way. Barfing emoji. It's so flat, you can watch your dog run away for a week. Don't get any ideas, Tim
Lubbock music? I'd rather listen to myself fart. Sounds like a personal problem. I had great times there. But as Johnny Carson said, the name sounds like a frog croaking.
But even the best things aren't perfect, but there's plenty to love about Lubbock. To find out about events, concerts and happenings in Lubbock, check out visit Lubbock.org/events. For info on all you should see and experience in the Hub City.
Head on over to our blog at VisitLubbock.org/blog. I didn't say any of those as funny as I thought I was going to be.