All Saints Episcopal School - Fundraising Video

March 28, 2018  |  stellarmediaco

All Saints Episcopal School featured this video at its spring fundraiser. The client approached Stellar Media with a short deadline. But the final product reflects the same attention to detail and storytelling that we put into each of our productions. We even built a custom set in our studio for some of the interviews.

Everyone remembers their favorite teachers, but do those teachers remember you? That answer may depend on how many times they had to write notes to your parents. Or how often they sent you to the principal’s office.

In a small school environment like All Saints Episcopal School, however, the teachers remember each student. They get to know them on a personal level. This video focuses on the transformational role teachers have in the lives of their students and how All Saints provides unique learning opportunities because of its size. It also boasts championship sports teams, like this year’s men’s varsity basketball state champs. Way to go, Patriots!

All Saints Episcopal School - Fundraising Video Transcript

- The secret to a great school like All Saints is no secret. Cause we have great teachers. The question is, what makes a teacher great? It's not test scores as many would have us believe. And if you've ever had a teacher who's touched your life, you would say the same.
- [Natalie] Our school is so small, there's only 80 kids and our class sizes are incredibly small. So you can't help but know the teachers really well and they can't but know you really well.
- [Cindy] Our children know their teachers, they travel with their teachers on school trips, they trust their teachers. Teachers knows the children, they know how they learn the best, and it's a very close and collaborative relationship.
- The teachers who are attracted to All Saints I think have a passion for that kind of one on one connection.
- [Bruce] Really what we want, what I want for teachers is what I want as a parent. I want teachers to know my children, to understand them, and to love them. When you do that, you get not only a great education, you get something that's transformational.
- [Cindy] I think our faculty provides an education to our students that can't be beat in this community. It's an excellent education, and our children are thriving in those classrooms with these wonderful teachers.
- [Natalie] One thing throughout the college process that I found really valuable at All Saints is the one on one from both the counselors and the teachers who helped me with my application personally and made sure that every recommendation they had was personal and specific and I know that's more difficult at other schools, and it's something that I'm always very appreciative of.
- [Bruce] What really at the end of the day we're about at All Saints, is in addition to a great education is providing unique opportunities that students can't get anywhere else.
- [Matt] Something about what happens at All Saints is helping create deeper richer more powerful life stories.
- [Bruce] How many students, how many people have ever been to a state championship in anything? We do it regularly. That's special. That's different. And all children have that opportunity.
- Jennifer, my wife and I we get asked all the time, where do your children go to school? And we proudly say they go to All Saints. When you see the high quality of teaching that goes on here, with the academic staff that is in my mind without peer. And having the opportunity to personally develop relationships with the teachers and really get to know them, the kind of people they are, in addition to being complete professionals in their field. It is amazing that my kids have the opportunity to come here everyday and have those people teaching our kids, and that's why our kids are here.
- [Matt] The young people are growing up, being nurtured, being challenged, being shown great examples all around them and I really believe that the children over and over and over again who are coming out of All Saints are prepared to make a difference in the world. And that one day they'll look back and they'll look back over a life story that is so deeply satisfying, and I think a big part of that is gonna be what has happened in the beginning of their lives at All Saints.

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